Mound Visits, 2/8/24

Coaching is about connecting. Connecting is about trust. Trust enables confidence to flow between the coach and the player. Our faith journey is about connecting, trusting and having the confidence that Christ has your best interest at heart. ”You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.“‭‭(Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬) …

Mound Visits, 2/7/24

I call these short devotionals “Mound Visits because usually a coach will either encourage a pitcher, challenge him or share important information with the him that will help him get the next hitter out in a crucial situation. I believe that’s what God wants for us. He wants to encourage, challenge and help us. ”The …

Mound Visits, 2/1/24

Most of the people who receive these “Mound Visits” are coaches, but my next statement applies to anyone in a leadership position: “How you lead yourself will determine how you lead your team.” We are all a work in progress. The key word in the previous sentence being “progress.” If coaches don’t grow in character, …