Mound Visits, 2/8/18

Some baseball historians say that Satchel Paige is the greatest pitcher in the history of the game. Unfortunately, he wasn’t allowed to play Major League Baseball until he was 42! “Satch” had a quick wit and possessed a lot of wisdom. He once asked the rhetorical question, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” Unless I’m trying to run, jump or understand technology, I still feel fairly young!

Don’t lament growing old. The Bible and history are filled with examples of great leadership and productivity from people who many would consider “washed up.” Job asked yet another rhetorical question: “Is not wisdom found among the aged?” (Job 12:12)

There are many benefits that come with aging, so don’t worry about turning 40, 50, 60 or even 80. Enjoy life and continue to be productive!

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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