When I first started coaching
at Kentucky, I had no experience in speaking at schools, churches or civic clubs. The FCA leader at UK was P.J. Throckmorton. He was a bold, enthusiastic man in his 50’s. He kept asking me to speak at FCA “Huddles.” I was always “too busy” or I would say, “I’m not very good at speaking.” Finally, one night after giving him one of my lame excuses, P.J. said, “Coach, God doesn’t need your ‘ability,’ He needs your ‘availability.'” After hearing that, my response could only be “yes, I will make myself available.”
My friend P.J. is now 87 and was placed in Hospice Care yesterday. I will never forget the way that he pushed me out of my comfort zone and in to obedience.
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8)
Keith Madison
SCORE International