Sometimes, I try very hard to be good. On the rare occasion that I accomplish this, I fall in to the sin of self-righteousness! Other times, I work so very hard to do good things in order to be a good Christian and please God. Most of the time, this leaves me feeling physically and emotionally drained. In baseball, coaches often give this advice to players who try too hard: “Let the game come to you.”
Earlier this morning I read a devotional by Dave Burchett. He addresses the problem of trying too hard spiritually. He said that often he needs to simplify his faith in this way:
1. Trust who God says He is.
2. Believe who God says you are.
3. Allow God to love you.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
(Jesus, Matthew 11:28)
Keith Madison
SCORE International