In a Zoom Bible Study with my coaching friends this morning, I asked this question: If your team had a one run lead in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and the opposing team had runners on 2nd and 3rd, who would you want a ground ball hit to? Who on your team could you trust in that situation?
When we need someone to trust in life’s crucial situations, we have One we can trust. No matter how much stress or heartbreak we have God can “make the play” for us every time. It may not look like we thought it would look or be at the time we thought it would be, but it will be sure and trustworthy. When Jesus was facing His biggest challenge and darkest time, the cross, He trusted His Father. We can too!
“Father, I entrust my Spirit into your hands.” (Luke 23:46)
No one has better hands to trust than the Father!
Keith Madison
SCORE International