Is there something inside of you that’s causing anger? The election? The governor? The media? Congress? Donald Trump? Joe Biden? Umpires? Unmotivated players? Your boss or a co-worker?
The Apostle Paul was a Jew and lived under the oppressive hand of the Roman Empire. Most of the Jewish religious leaders hated Paul. He was beaten, imprisoned, stoned and left for dead. He had a “thorn of the flesh” that most scholars feel was an incurable health issue. Yet, this is what he had to say to us:
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
(Ephesians 4:32)
I must admit, I have a ways to go before my attitude is like that of Paul’s and a very long way to go before my character and attitude resembles that of Christ. But recently I’ve been learning to let go of those things that anger me. I’ve learned that when we pray, we can pray for our hearts to become more like His and we can pray for His will to be done. We can ask God to help us with our anger and un-forgiveness so that we can be kind and exude light instead of darkness.
Keith Madison
SCORE International