Mound Visits, 7/7/17

“Pray continually.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
This must be one of the shortest verses in the Bible.

How can I follow Paul’s advice here? I have a busy day ahead of me.

On the days I am in constant communication with God, I have more peace, more strength, more wisdom and more gratitude. Your prayers throughout the day don’t have to be long, eloquent prayers. They may be short, sincere whispers, even silent…
“Lord, I need wisdom here.” “Father, strengthen me against temptation.”
“Help me to encourage this person.”
“You are very patient with me; help me to have patience with this person.”
“Thank you.”

Before meetings, In between meetings, as you drive, before a meal, before you talk to a negative person, before you send an important email or text, as you make decisions, when you receive bad news and when you receive good news…Pray continually.

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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