Mound Visits, 5/27/17

A wise coach once told me, “there are three types of players on every team: Winners, Participants and Joiners. The ‘Joiners’ are just happy to be on the team. The ‘Participants’ are pleased if they get a chance to play. The ‘Winners’ are who every coach recognizes. Coaches want as many ‘Winners’ as possible on the team. They aren’t happy to just wear the uniform or get a chance to play; they want to give their very best every game and they aren’t satisfied unless they win.”
God loves everyone on “His team.” But, I truly believe He wants us to play the game of life to win…to finish strong and to represent Him well in all we do. So, I should ask myself today, in my Christian walk, am I a ‘Joiner,’ a ‘Participant,’ or a ‘Winner?’
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…” (Colossians 3:23)

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