21st Century Stress
21st Century Stress
It was that time of year, again, our “Austin Kearns Celebrity Golf Classic and “Get in the Game Dinner”—our annual fundraisers for our ministry with SCORE International. And this year’s event promised some unforeseen challenges. Some of our faithful, dependable volunteers were not able to help- meaning we were tackling more demands than we expected. I was proud of being able to reuse former spreadsheets, publications and email addresses that were stored in my trusty Mac computer. But, perhaps I was too cocky relying on recycling prior ideas that were saved on the computer and in cyberspace!
All was going well until about 2 weeks prior to the events. I started receiving notices that “the server does not recognize addressee.” Then I realized the many emails I had sent did not go nor was I receiving any; and to top it off our cell phones decided to refuse our home Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings. I called our Internet provider, domain provider and AT&T tech. No one could help. One patient but frustrated tech asked, “Is there an ‘IT’ person around to help you?” I responded, “I am it!”
I started remaking the biographical sketches of the celebrities to be printed for the tourney and was so proud of my final work, but suddenly the layout took a strange turn and all the margins and fonts curiously changed making the page unreadable and unprintable. My head throbbed, my eyes refused to focus and my patience was gone. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Keith complained about my bad attitude. I suddenly bit back the sour reply that dangerously danced on the tip of my tongue and realized that I was out of control and in definite need of an attitude adjustment.
The next morning, my Bible study discussed Galatians 5: 13-26. I realized that I had failed to emulate the virtues of a Christian described in verse 22. I definitely had lost self-control, felt no joy or peace, didn’t speak with gentleness nor have any feeling of goodness in my soul. I still had to tackle the internet issue and didn’t look forward to at least a couple of hours talking to someone I couldn’t see nor didn’t know about a computer problem that I didn’t understand how to solve. And I needed to also resolve the lockdown of our cell phones. But I realized that if I “lived by the Spirit…I also had to behave in accordance with the Spirit.”(Galatians 5:25) So, I prayed for strength and patience with each step I took going downstairs to my office. On the phone, I talked to a different Windstream tech who was so patient with me; and by the end of the hour, we had resolved the cellphone, email and Internet issue. I was even able to fix Keith’s cellphone shutdown issue by myself!
Keith and I were so relieved that our electronic communication issues were finally resolved. Looking back I realize the folly of succumbing to frustration and anger. “For as the churning of milk produces butter and as punching the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.” (Proverbs 30:33)
Our 2017 two back-to-back fundraisers were a roaring success. We enjoyed spending time with dear friends both old and new who want to hear about and support our walk with SCORE. Sometimes in the middle of a stressful situation, it is hard to remember that when we do the Lord’s work, we will always be rewarded.
Most days, the 21st century electronic media is marvelous and almost priceless; but then there are other times when having to be my own tech person can be a nightmarish battle with patience!
"For human anger does not accomplish God's righteousness."James 1:20