Mound Visits, 4/13/17

I overheard someone earlier this week, perhaps because Easter is approaching, question the deity of Christ. We are not certain who wrote the Book of Hebrews in the Bible, but whoever wrote it had no trouble honoring Jesus and worshipping Him. In the first chapter, third verse the author of Hebrews says this: “The Son […]

Mound Visits, 4/12/17

The guilt and shame Peter felt after denying he knew Christ after Jesus’ arrest must have been overwhelming. For several years Peter showed dedication, even boldness in following Jesus. But when it mattered most, he denied knowing Him three times. There is no denying Jesus’ love for Peter, and for us. In Mark16:5-7, immediately after […]

Mound Visits, 4/11/17

On Sunday, Christians will celebrate the most holy of days, Easter. Before the resurrection, there was, of course, the cross. I’ve often said, the greater pain of Christ on the cross wasn’t the results of the fist, lashing, thorns, nails and the spear. It was our guilt and shame heaped on to Him. There was […]

Mound Visits, 4/10/17

I was encouraged yesterday when my sister shared how she made it through cancer surgery and radiation treatments a little over a year ago…she said, “While receiving treatments, I prayed for a mother and daughter I know who were both battling cancer at the same time.” She continued by saying, “The more I prayed for […]

Mound Visits, 4/8/17

If we place our confidence in the wrong people it may result in a broken relationship or even financial hardship or ruin. Pray for discernment and wisdom prior to confiding in someone. Most importantly, be sure to confide in the One who can absolutely be trusted. One who is willing to help carry your burden, […]

Mound Visits, 4/7/17

One summer I was stressed out about recruiting, fund raising and other things that went along with being a coach at that time. A friend picked up on my lack of peace. He asked me, “where, at your house, do you enjoy spending an hour to relax?” After thinking it through, I said, “my deck […]

Mound Visits, 4/6/17

God’s plan for our life may be different, even better, than our own plans and goals. May He give us the wisdom to trust, surrender and to follow His will for our lives. “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you plan for us no one can recount to […]

Mound Visits, 4/5/17

In the very lengthy meeting on the day Dodger General Manager, Branch Rickey, asked Jackie Robinson to be the first African American player to play Major League Baseball, one of the things Jackie said to Mr. Rickey was, “There will be trouble ahead. For you, for me, for my people.” Mr. Rickey replied, “God is […]

Mound Visits, 4/4/17

Former football coach, Jerry Claiborne, was the first person I ever heard say, “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.” It’s very hard to take a stand at times. It can create a situation that makes us unpopular or appear old fashion. The culture created in the work place, classroom or […]