Mound Visits, 8/23/17

Before I ask God to change someone else or some circumstance, I must ask Him to help me examine my heart so that I may be changed. “It is not so much that ‘prayer changes things’ as it is that prayer changes me and I change things.” (Oswald Chambers) Keith Madison SCORE International

Mound Visits, 8/15/17

In professional baseball, players tend to be labeled by coaches, managers and the front office. “His feet are slow,” “he can’t hit the breaking ball,” “his fastball has no ‘life’,” etc. No matter how hard a player works during the off-season to improve, those labels seem to stick. Thankfully, God doesn’t label us. He continues …

Mound Visits, 8/14/17

Jesus grew up in Joseph and Mary’s house learning how to be a carpenter. He was a carpenter’s son. He is also an architect who has redesigned millions upon millions of hearts, including mine. Jesus is trying to clean out the selfishness, jealousy, envy, pride and fear and replace them with love, forgiveness, generosity, peace …

Mound Visits, 8/11/17

God listens. What we say to Him matters. He doesn’t hear eloquent words or stammering, He hears our hearts. Don’t give up. He doesn’t ignore your heart felt plea. “I cry out to the Lord; I pray to the Lord for mercy.” (Psalm 142:1) Keith Madison SCORE International