Mound Visits, 11/2/16

  If there are problems facing you today that seem insurmountable, help is on the way. You don’t have to face them alone. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) When the day ahead of me seems overwhelming, I often say a simple prayer something like this: “Jesus, […]

Mound Visits, 11/1/16

  Life is good! Life can also be hard and provide disappointment, failure, sadness and pain. It’s important not to confuse God with life. Life is up and down. God is consistent and never changing. People and situations may change but God is with you and for you! “…be strong and courageous. Do not be […]

Mound Visits, 10/31/16

  “Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis I woke up very early this morning with the words “stand firm” going over and over in my mind. The enemy wants to take us down, destroy our families, rob of us of joy and diminish our influence. Peter […]

Mound Visits, 10/26/16

  Anger. Fear. Negativism.  Hate. Deceit. Obviously, I’m talking about the presidential election. Of course, we should perform our civic duty, vote our conscious and pray for who we should vote for. What we should not do is allow the negativity to steal our joy and prevent us from pleasing God. The author of Hebrews reminds […]

Mound Visits, 10/25/16

  The questions are valid.  Can I really love those who persecute me? Can I really learn to be more like Jesus? Am I worthy to call myself a follower of Christ? The answers are yes, yes and yes…and yes to a hundred other doubts you may have about yourself. You can because you are “equipped.” […]

Mound Visits, 10/24/16

  You’ve most likely heard the saying, “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.” I may take that a step further. As we step out into the future, we are not alone. Jesus said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

Mound Visits, 10/23/16

  There’s a certain type of exhaustion that can’t be helped by taking a vacation or taking a day off from work for golf or fishing. It’s a weariness that comes from being “priority challenged” or having a major disappointment in your life. Have you ever been weary in the depths of your soul? I […]

Mound Visits, 10/22/16

  There’s a certain type of exhaustion that can’t be helped by taking a vacation or taking a day off from work for golf or fishing. It’s a weariness that comes from being “priority challenged” or having a major disappointment in your life. Have you ever been weary in the depths of your soul? I […]

Mound Visits, 10/21/16

  No matter how difficult the challenge, no matter the magnitude of your trials, the God who loves you will help you. Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God, but He is also the Lion of Judah. Listen to what the Psalmist says about the God we have access to: “Lift up your heads, you […]