Mound Visits, 7/24/23

Every person matters. Everything matters. What may seem like a small detail for us may be life changing for a person we encounter today. “Do small things with great love.”(Mother Teresa) “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,”(Colossians 3:23) Keith MadisonSCORE International

Mound Visits, 7/17/23

Sharon and I attended the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame banquet last night. There were some great former athletes there…Bench, Rose, Perez, Concepcion and many more. The current team was there as well…young, vibrant and athletic. Two things were noticed by me as I observed the old and the young:One, the current players were very …

Mound Visits, 7/14/23

If you feel discouraged or left out today, remember this truth and experience joy in the midst of sadness: “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: ‘have loved you with an everlasting love…’”(Jeremiah 31:3) “Riches take wings, comforts vanish, hope withers away, but love stays with us. Love is God.” ~ Lew Wallace …

Mound Visits, 7/11/23

“pray continually,”(1 Thessalonians 5:17) Recently, Casey Cavell invited me to be his guest on the “Dugout-CEO Podcast.” One of the many things we discussed was the best “tool” in a leaders “toolbox.” It’s only 45 seconds. Hope you watch. ( Keith MadisonSCORE International