Mound Visits, 2/27/21

When you play or coach baseball for many years, you have an opportunity to hear our National Anthem thousands of times. When I was a minor league player, I would hear it about 140 times each year. The two years I played in Canada I heard two National Anthems before each game. As a college baseball coach, I heard it at least 56 times each spring. Patriotic Americans forgive me, but the last fifteen years of coaching I used that time before each game to put my cap on my heart and then pray. I would not pray to win, though I was tempted. Instead I would pray for wisdom, self control and protection for players on both teams. Sometimes I would pray for certain players. Those times that I made stupid decisions and lost control, those are on me. The point is, my prayer life improved and I had peace (most of the time).

“pray continually,”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts….”
(Colossians 3:15, A)

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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