Mound Visits, 2/19/18

Recently, social media was blazing with venom because a liberal, cynical talk show host compared Vice President Pence’s comment about Jesus speaking to him with mental illness. I didn’t sound off on social media, but I confess, I was angry with her disrespect and her bigotry toward Christians. Then sometime yesterday, I was reminded that Jesus isn’t surprised when His followers are laughed at publicly or even persecuted. In John 15:20 He warned us, “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” As followers of Christ, we must not be discouraged and remember the words of Jesus in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Today, I’m not angry at this cynical talk show host. I am sad for her to the point of wanting to pray for her. She doesn’t understand that Jesus speaks to His followers and she’s missing it. He speaks to us through His Word (the Bible), through other believers and to us directly by His Spirit. She is rich, she is famous, but she is lost without Christ. But our anger will not being her to Christ. It’s through love and forgiveness that she may find the Way. (God’s kindness leads to repentance. Romans 2:4).

Of course, we must take a stand, but we must do it in love. Social media and angry conservative news pundits will not lead people to faith in Christ, but our love for Him and each other will.

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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