Mound Visits, 6/8/22

I played minor league baseball long before cell phones, video games and TV monitors on the bus. The long bus rides were boring to say the least. There was also a lot of “down time” each day before night games. There was no Baseball Chapel and hardly a mention of God unless His name was used in vain. I was young and not disciplined or courageous enough to honor the One who gave His all for me on a cruel cross. It was a dry time in a spiritual desert. But God used even this time to prepare me for all that was to come in my career in baseball and in my journey with Him.

When we find ourselves in a spiritual wilderness, it is good to remember that God is near. He does not turn His back on us. We just need to walk toward Him.

“…Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you…”
(Zechariah 1:3)

“Come near to God and He will come near to you…” (James 4:8)

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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