Mound Visits, 9/4/23

Hope you are having a good Labor Day!

Believers should approach their labor as a way to honor God. Below I’ve listed a few ways to honor Him and, also, impact our co-workers with a good example:
1. Be on time
2. Be grateful
3. Work with a servant’s heart
4. Do your best to offer excellence in your work
5. Do it all without grumbling or complaining
This is not easy, but it will greatly benefit you, your co-workers, your employer, and at the same time please God.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”
(Colossians 3:23)

“Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and perform it with an awareness of his presence.”
(Rick Warren)

Keith Madison
SCORE International

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