Mound Visits, 3/22/17

It’s easy to put our faith on the “back burner” if we are competing on the field, engaged in a political campaign or involved in some other endeavor we are passionate about. The truth of the matter is this: if we are followers of Christ, we should represent Him and be His ambassador in every […]

Mound Visits, 3/21/17

Pitcher, Brian Reed, finally made his high school team as a senior (he was cut his junior year). He attended Kentucky the following year and decided to try out for our team. We had a good staff, but lacked depth. The skinny right-hander didn’t throw very hard, but made the team as a walk-on…barely. That […]

Mound Visits, 3/20/17

Former LSU and MLB righthander, Ben McDonald, recently said, “Adversity will only visit the strong but will stay forever with the weak.” When God delivered King David from his enemies, he said, “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, […]

Mound Visits, 3/19/17

Had a blast speaking to the Birmingham-Southern College Baseball team last night. Coach Jan Weisberg played for me at Kentucky and was on my coaching staff for 11 years. The older I get, the more I appreciate positive relationships that have endured through life’s challenges. Building relationships and nurturing friendships are gifts from God. Even […]

Mound Visits, 3/18/17

Recently, there was a positive story that spread like wildfire on social media. It was about small white boy who wanted to have his hair cut very short so that his teacher could not tell him apart from his best friend, a little African-American boy. There was a video attached to this story showing the […]

Mound Visits, 3/17/17

Yesterday afternoon I had just returned home after a busy day when someone pulled up behind me in my driveway. As this man walked near me with a smile, I realized it was a former player who I had not seen in well over 20 years! It was so much fun to talk and reminisce. […]

Mound Visits, 3/16/17

I’ve always been fascinated with streams, creeks, rivers and especially springs. When I was young, my father cleaned out an old stone well my grandfather had dug many years before. When we reached the bottom of the well, about 8′ down, a very large stream of fresh clean water (an underground spring) began flowing in […]

Mound Visits, 3/15/17

Jeremy Affeldt played 13 years in the Major Leagues. The lefty helped the Giants win three World Series championships. He tells the story of being recruited by a well known college coach who offered him a scholarship. Jeremy had wanted to sign with this particular school but the coach who offered the scholarship proceeded to […]

Mound Visits, 3/11/17

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) This one powerful command from God to the heart of the Psalmist who wrote it has been a challenge for me in my life. Busyness has robbed me of many moments of worship, peace and understanding. When I quiet my heart, slow down to read […]

Mound Visits, 3/10/17

I used to wake up each morning from the sound of Christian music on a radio-alarm clock. On a summer morning 28 years ago the music would sound different to me, for I knew I would be driving my wife to the hospital for a very early morning surgery for breast cancer. The doctor, after […]