2015 SCORE Baseball Team Mission Trip

A group of almost 30 players and coaches traveled to the Dominican Republic Aug 3-8th, 2015. Sam Marsonek took his summer Tampa baseball team of 20 players to add to the High School and College players recruited for this mission trip. They competed on the diamond as well as served the Dominican people daily. Competition on …

“Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

”Hawaii”-the Classic Movie I saw a grand ole 1966 movie the other night that made me so sad. The movie was “Hawaii” (set in the late 19th century), and it told the story of a young rigid New England missionary who travels to the exotic island kingdom of Hawaii planning to convert the innocent, loving …

Special Request from the Madison’s and SCORE International

We have been collecting some great items for our ministry to young baseball players and coaches in the Dominican Republic for several years. We have taken as much with us on trips as we physically can, but we have a large amount of bats, gloves, uniforms, shoes, catching gear, Bibles and many other items that …

Benson and Those Guys Interview

Earlier this week, I had the chance to talk about SCORE, Inside Pitch Mag, baseball and my career in a great radio interview. Benson and Those Guys are billed as, “a unique sports radio program combining conversations, interviews, and opinions on sports from a faith-based perspective.”  Thanks for the invite, Benson! To listen to the interview, please click …