“I sing for joy at what Your hands have done.” Psalm 92:4

                      “Contentment is the Only Real Wealth” (Alfred Nobel)  This morning, I helped myself to the last bowl of Cheerios. There was only a little left; as I looked at the empty wax paper bag, I suddenly remembered something Geraldine, my mother-in-law, told me. She …

A Stressful Day

I couldn’t help but giggle as I read my daughter-in-law’s (Stacey) text about her bad day. The downstairs of her house (kitchen, living room, bathroom, laundry room and dining room) were being totally demolished for remodeling –which was promised to only take 2 months! Meanwhile, last week, our grandsons (ages 8 & 6) were home …

Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual Growth (A.W. Tozer)

     Complacency is our worst enemy. Mike Apicello  I was so very proud of myself. Our youngest Granddaughter was turning three the end of the month and I had already purchased and mailed (through Amazon) a precious gift to her home. We knew we couldn’t make the out-of-state drive to celebrate her special day, but …