Mound Visits, 5/17/23

Several years ago a good friend said to me, “behind every face is a drama ready to unfold.” How true this is. We hide doubts, fears, shame, disappointment, guilt and anxiety. We easily forget that Jesus, the One who calms the storm and turns a handful of fish and bread into a feast for thousands […]

Mound Visits, 5/16/23

Nothing can separate us from God’s love. In this statement I see the father of the “prodigal son” running toward his son with arms outstretched. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in […]

Mound Visits, 5/15/23

Paul David Tripp says that much of our disappointment in relationships is not because we have an unrealistic view of others, but because we have a distorted view of ourselves. In other words, we want everyone else to live up to the standards we only imagine that we have. When we honestly self-evaluate, we realize […]

Mound Visits, 5/12/23

Every day most of us face tough situations, difficult people and temptation. The good news is that we don’t have to face these trials alone. Ask God for wisdom and courage and trust that He is with you. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1.5b) “God, Who is everywhere, never leaves us. […]

Mound Visits, 5/10/23

We carry burdens many times that are unnecessary to bear. They weigh us down and cause us to be less than what we are capable of being…less than who God has called us to be. If you are dealing with not forgiving someone, sin,fear, doubt or worry bring them to the Jesus. He already knows. […]

Mound Visits, 5/9/23

When I have a lot on my mind, my natural inclination is to worry or try to fix everything . Worry accomplishes nothing and the types of things that burden me I’m incapable of fixing. Before a situation gets to the worry phase, I should ask Jesus to lighten my load. He is willing, and […]

Mound visit, 5/8/23

Webster’s Dictionary describes worship as what we adore, idolize, esteem worthy, reverence, or homage. We were created to worship. The motivation to worship that resides in our hearts was placed there to draw us to God, not a movement, person or something else that God has created. Jesus said, “Yet a time is coming and […]

Mound Visits, 5/3/23

Encouragement can change someone’s attitude. It can lift someone out of a dark place. Encouraging someone can give them the hope and determination to push through a hard season. “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”(Albert Einstein) “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor […]

Mound Visits, 5/2/23

This short verse is sometimes overlooked because it’s easy to skip over it. In a world filled with anger and division, Philippians 4:5 is a great reminder for me to remember who I serve and how He wants me to represent Him. “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”(Philippians 4:5) “Nothing […]